Getting a showing usually comes as a result of great photographs, well priced property and descriptions that appeal. But, getting them to come see the home in person is just the start. Once they are there, there are some things that can cause their interest to stop or stall.
Here are some of the more common problems that may turn off homebuyers that are easy to overlook as a homeowner who has been living with these things for quite some time.
1) Dirty Properties - You walk into a home wanting to fall in love. But, if you see direct or even dead bugs, that is not likely to happen. In SW Florida, many properties on the market may be vacant and if no one is checking on the property and keeping it cleaned up, buyers may find a surprise. It is unfortunate but I see this happen more than you would think. Outside of the vacancy related dirt, people can also usually tell if a home was well cared for and clean. Clean homes are more appealing to buyers.
2) Poor Workmanship - If things like paint or drywall are poorly done, it will give buyers the feeling that corners were cut with the home and will lead them to be extra concerned about what else may be hiding as problems. This can also happen when "do-it-yourself" projects are undertaken such as deciding to paint your own cabinets. As home owners seeing our home every day, we learn to look past things almost as if they don't exist because we are so used to them. I recommend trying to walk through your home with a fresh set of eyes to inspect the workmanship in your home and make necessary fixes/improvements.
3) Smelly Scents - When you walk into a home and are hit immediately by unappealing smells, the brain immediately registers negative feelings. The smells may be from garbage that hasn't been taken out, clothes washers or dishwashers that haven't been cleaned out, pets or even cooking. Regardless of the cause, it is always good to make sure that there are no overbearing or offensive smells. Sometimes even nice scents that are too strong may turn people off. Neutral and mild scents are best.
4) Non-Neutral Colors - Everyone has different preferences for paint colors. As such, not everyone may love your bright accent wall or that rich, dark room... so it is always best to keep paints light, bright and neutral when preparing your home to sell. Paint is relatively inexpensive and is worth it to avoid a home sitting on the market and having to drop the price more than the cost of the paint. As a side note: wall paper can also be a big turnoff as it tends to be very specific to taste and also a pain to remove.
5) Old Fixtures - Dated fixtures will make the whole home feel more dated. Updating lights, door knobs for doors and cabinets, faucets, and other fixtures can be a simple change with big payoffs.
6) Noise - This one might be harder to control but if you have a noise source that is likely to be noticed by visitors to your home, consider looking for solutions to buffer that sound (e.g. lush, sound-buffering plantings or fountains).