How does 'anonymous' sell homes?
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How does 'anonymous' sell homes?

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There is good reason that people are attracted to model homes decorated by professionals who have a knack for interior design. You will typically will find wonderfully furnished and decorated rooms that anyone could live in. Wait, did you notice that the operative word here is “anyone”.

Even when they add certain features to visualize subsets of buyers like the computer screen on a desk in the den or a child’s doll sitting in a corner, all the rooms are still fairly anonymous. There is a sense of family, but no specific family… the feeling of personality, but no specific person. How does anonymous sell homes?

The decorators who set up a model home make it anonymous for good reason. They want buyers to view it as their potential home, not someone else’s. Based on decades if experience, These professionals know that this strategy helps sell houses faster and for a better price.

Why not use this same strategy when showing your home?

It can be done at your home too. And if you need help having a real estate agent like Renee Hahn, who styles homes as a part of her sales approach may be just what you need.

It could be as simple as putting away that soccer trophy, taking down the wedding photo, and boxing those souvenirs from the family vacation at Disneyland. No, you don’t have to completely empty your closets and drawers. Just pack those personal items that can be seen when a potential buyer views a room. Put away toothbrushes, collectibles, even unopened mail. Don’t forget to clear the fridge door, which is often a mosaic of personal items in family homes. It doesn't mean that the home needs to be sterile and void from any warmth and personality, but it does mean that you need to clear cluter, simplify and put your best foot forward for your home.

If you have lots of personal items, consider renting a storage unit for the few weeks that your house will be on the market. It’s worth the investment. You wouldn’t think of buying a birthday cake with a stranger’s name on it. Keep that in mind when you show your home. Make it anonymous!

​Need more ideas for selling your house faster and for the best price possible? Call today.

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