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Don't miss your Florida Tax Savings Holidays!

Who doesn’t like tax savings. During the course of a year, the state of Florida will extend focused opportunities for sales tax savings. There happen to be a number of them under way at present including;

(1) Tool Time Sales Tax Holiday –September 2nd through September 8th. – This holiday offers tax savings on many of the things you may be looking to purchase from your favorite hardware store like Home Depot, Lowes or Ace Hardware. More information can be accessed by clicking here.

(2) Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday – August 26th through September 8th – This holiday offers tax savings on purchases related to hurricane protection and preparation. More information can be accessed by clicking here.

(3) Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday – May 29th – September 4th – This holiday offers tax savings on purchases related to outdoor activities. More information can be accessed by clicking here

This is in addition to the back to school tax savings that ran right before school to provide tax saving benefits on school supplies.